JGC Philippines celebrates the Y2021 Safety Day

by | May 17, 2020 | Featured, News and Events

The Corporate Health, Safety and Environment (CHSE) of JGC Philippines celebrates the Y2021 Safety Day with the theme, HEALTH: “with you, with JGC: Healthiness in mind, body and spirit will create a brighter tomorrow for us all”. This annual widely celebrated event aims to promote and renew the commitment on safety, health and environmental improvements in the head office (MOC) and local project sites (SOC).

The celebration started in May 17 with exciting contests like 1.) Poster Making Competition which is anchored to the safety day theme; 2.) the weekly online Question and Answer focused on Covid-19 safety and health protocols in the office and community; 3.) the INSTASAFETY photo contest which demonstrates the good example of complying the minimum health standard in the office, home and project sites and 4.) the Safety Video Challenge.

All JPHIL MOC and oversee assigned employees, local PJ Sites and subcontractors’ staff in any of JPHIL site, all workers engaged in each site and their families were invited to participate in this competition.

Judges were JPHIL Managers and judging was done thru online voting.

On July 9, the Safety Day closing ceremony was held thru virtual online streaming attended by more than 600 employees and respectable guests. JGC Corporation President Mr. Yutaka Yamazaki and JGC Corp. Executive Officer Mr. Kenji Ito graced the occasion and delivered their safety message to the employees. Mr. Y. Yamazaki emphasized the acronym HEALTH. H-Have enough Sleep, E-Exercise and Eat Healthy, A-Avoid too much smoke/alcohol, L-Lough at Loud/Listen to Music, T-Take Time Out, H-Hydrate/8 glasses of water a day.

DOLE-MUNTAPARLAS representative Director  Mr. Leonides P. Castillon Jr. gave his congratulatory message to JPHIL for the achievement of 50 million LTI Free Milestone. The Director announced that JPHIL is a consistent Safety Awardee in the EPC industry of the country.

And to finally conclude the celebration, JGC President. Mr Antonio F. Cabrera gave an inspirational message.

Overall, the Safety Day Celebration was a blast! Employees enjoyed the month-long celebration with fun and excitement.  The achievement of Fifty (50) Million Manhour Without Lost Time Incident milestone is a direct result of the passion and commitment to safety of everyone.


Poster Making Champion:
Employee Category
Mr. Manuel Ignacio (Piping Department)

Poster Making Champion:
Family Category
Mr. Jome Mendoza – son of Mr. Rogelio Mendoza – Rigger from PSPC-EMS/ITMS Project.



The Safety Video Challenge
The 1st Place winner:  Project Operations Division

Information Security

JGC Philippines, Inc., a reputable Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) company, shall establish, control and maintain a secured business environment with its business partners.

For this purpose, JGC Philippines shall recognize the value of all information assets including those of customers, vendors and subcontractors and establish an Information Security Management System (ISMS) that conforms to the requirements of ISO 27001:2013. Based on this management system, JGC Philippines is committed to:

  1. Comply with all legal, corporate and other requirements pertinent to information security;
  2. Prevent unauthorized use, reproduction and destruction of all information assets including those related to customer, vendors and subcontractors and established documented procedures to secure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information;
  3. Protect the intellectual property rights of the company;
  4. Recognize, respect and protect the personal information of all employees entrusted to the company;
  5. Establish a contingency plan to ensure business continuity in the event of a natural disaster, act of terrorism, and computer attacks;
  6. Provide all employees with proper education and training to implement, maintain and improve the effectiveness of the ISMS; and
  7. Review regularly the effectiveness of the ISMS and subsequently aim for its continual improvement.


JGC Group is committed to contributing to the protection of the global environment based on the JGC Group's purpose of "Enhancing Planetary Health". Based on the above, we have established an environmental management system for project execution and set the following environmental policy.

  1. Set environmental goals, review them periodically, and strive to achieve them.
  2. Utilize our technologies to make proposals to customers related to the protection of the global environment.
  3. Comply with all laws and regulations related to environmental protection, as well as agreements with customers and other interested parties.
  4. Pursue continuous improvement of our environmental protection activities through the implementation of the environmental management system.
  5. Implement the following practices during the design, procurement, and construction phases of each project.
  • In our design work for projects, we shall take into consideration resource and energy conservation and work to prevent pollution of the air, soil, and water and limit greenhouse gas emissions using energy-efficient materials and equipment.
  • In procurement, we shall encourage vendors and other cooperating companies to adopt a positive attitude toward environmental protection, including the reduction of greenhouse gases.
  • In construction, commissioning, and maintenance work, we shall make every effort to reduce the impact of the environment by minimizing resource use and energy consumption, reducing and recycling waste, preventing air and water pollution, and minimizing the emission of greenhouse gases.


Under the "2040 Vision" plan, our long-term management vision established by JGC Group, we have positioned 2021 to 2025 as the "five years of challenge", and established a new medium-term business plan -- "Building a Sustainablle Planetary Infrastructure (BSP2025)".

JGC Corporation established its own-medium-term business plan based on BSP2025 and institute the following Quality Policy to implement challenges and transformation in accordance with the medium-term business plan.

  1. We shall provide the quality that fulfills all of the applicable requirements, by utilizing our wide-ranging technological expertise and project execution skills built up through years of experience and through the promotion of DX (Digital Transformation).
  2. We shall fully comply with the agreed requirements with our customers, and shall aim to establish ourselves as an organization that will prompt customers to view us as their first-choice partner when they are faced with new or advanced technical challenges in an ever-changing business environment.
  3. We shall pursue the realization of an evolving organization the promises continual improvement and gives rise to innovation and improvement, through combining a strong sense of individual responsibility and creativity, along with a will to go beyond barriers between departments and among individuals.
  4. We shall always be conscious of enhancing Planetary Health. In face of various social issues, we will become a company that is required by society by synchronizing businesses with solving such social issues.

Health and Safety

JGC Corporation's commitment to providing the highest quality products and services in accordance with the JGC Group's ""Purpose"" of Enhancing Planetary Health and the basic principles of its HSSE philosophy is evidenced by the establishment of our occupational health and safety management system for both construction work at our construction sites and for office activities at our offices as expressed in the tenets of our occupational health and safety policy described below:

  1. Establish occupational health and safety objectives and strive to achieve them. Those occupational health and safety objectives shall be reviewes periodically.
  2. Comply with all laws and regulations related to occupational health and safety, as well as agreements with interested parties, including customers.
  3. Identify the sources of risks related to occupational health and safety in advance and through thorough assessment work to prevent their occurrence.
  4. In setting and implementing objectives and plans related to occupational health and safety management, the opinions of employees and construction workers shall be considered together with their participation.
  5. Bring about continuous improvement of our occupational health and safety activities through the implementation of an occupational health and safety management system.